Expert Article - ARETI Team

The BeFlexible Italian Demo: A Step Forward in Energy Flexibility Innovation

Article by Ercole De Luca, Gabriele Fedele, Fabio Di Zazzo and Angela Irlandese, from ARETI.

A Step Forward in Energy Flexibility Innovation is an exciting example of how new technologies and strategies are transforming the electrical grid. As decarbonization policies continue to shape Europe’s energy landscape, the need for energy flexibility innovation becomes more crucial. These drivers change the energy flows on the electrical grid and the System Operators (SOs) need to adapt innovative measures to face this new paradigma. The flexibility services provided by the distributed controllable units can support the electrical system stability, hence the SOs must define new grid planning and management strategies. In this scenario become crucial the DSO-TSO coordination to unleash the full potential of the Distribution Energy Resources (DERs).

The BeFlexible Italian Demo: Leading the Way in Energy Flexibility Innovation

The BeFlexible Italian Demo aims to design and execute the coordinated registration, validation and selection of local flexibility resources involved in the Global Flexibility Market (GFM or MSD), as well as different strategies to improve flexibility services, increasing the grid observability through the installation of PMUs (Phasor Measurement Units) and analysing the potential available of the water distribution sector in the provision of flexibility services. In this context, Deliverable 4.2 sets the preparatory activities for the pilot implementation.

Energy Flexibility Innovation: Italian Demo architecture for TSO-DSO Coordination

Italian Demo architecture for TSO-DSO Coordination

Optimizing Energy Flexibility Markets Through Digital Integration

The Demo architecture leverages on the ongoing national experimentations in local and global flexibility market, hence, to seamless the resources registration the Cloud Balance Platform (CBP) has been interfaced with the Flexibility Register (FR), the unique database used by all the DSOs to collect the DERs information. The flexibility providers access to FR to take part in Local Flexibility Market (LFM) or to CBP for the Global Flexibility Market (GFM). CBP and FR support the same data format and share the information in real time to avoid mismatches. The use case treats five steps: resources registration; static traffic light mechanism to check the connection insights, resources aggregation to pool the assets in providing of the services, LFM outcomes in input to GFM to optimize the TSO requests, dynamic traffic light to avoids real time issues on the distribution grids. All the platforms used in the Demo are scalable and modulable to simulate the increasing of the local market liquidity and his impacts on the GFM. Indeed, the energy transition will increase the controllable units connected on distribution grid and the flexibility availability in LFM.


Energy Flexibility Innovation: Energy Flexibility Innovation: System architecture for the PMU

System architecture for the PMU

Enhancing Grid Observability and Energy Flexibility Innovation with PMUs

Moreover, the Italian experimentation adopts the PMUs to increase the grid observability, allowing to combine PMU readings with data from pre-existing devices used for grid operation, to build a precise and dynamic power system model. This will enable state estimation algorithms aimed at the optimal activation of flexible resources, such as energy storage systems, electric vehicles and heat pumps. It will also allow us to pinpoint areas at risk of congestion or voltage violations and direct resources to those locations to alleviate the grid. Through the Rome pilot, the integration of PMU data is expected to yield measurable improvements, including reduced grid congestion, faster and more accurate fault localization, and enhanced coordination of renewable and conventional generation. By enabling a more proactive and data-driven approach, the pilot demonstrates how an increased penetration of data-providing devices can facilitate the transition to a more flexible, efficient, and robust power system capable of accommodating the challenges by the RES integration and increased electrification.

Layout of a storage water tank

Layout of a storage water tank

Expected Outcomes and Future Perspectives

Finally, Areti with several water DSOs of Acea Group are exploring how the flexibility of water systems can provide flexibility services to electricity distribution networks. Flexibility in water distribution networks is achieved through storage tanks and backup pipelines, which balance supply and demand fluctuations by operating remotely controlled pumps based on monitored quantities. Leveraging controllable assets, water systems can modulate electricity consumption and offer flexibility within the markets for electricity distribution network services. The Italian demonstration activity aimed at developing a systematic approach to assess the flexibility potential of water distribution networks for electricity system services, without compromising water supply security and ensuring a profitable business model for both water and electricity distributors.

This article summarizes key takeaways from Deliverable 4.2, titled “Outcome of DEMO 1 preparatory activities (HW and SW solutions implemented).” developed within the framework of the BeFlexible project. To access the complete document, please click here.

More info: LinkedIn & BeFLexible project